Offered services

The main restaurant has a capacity of up to 270 seats. It offers its guests a cozy atmosphere where they can enjoy our varied menu, well prepared food and excellent service.

Summer garden
Лятната ни градина е с капацитет до 250 места и е на ваше разположение в слънчевите дни и топли вечери. В нея можете да се насладите на невероятна гледка на брега на езерото и пясъчната ни ивица или да потанцувате на големия дансинг под ритмите на нашия DJ.

During the summer days from the 1st of June until the middle of September, our three swimming pools are at your disposal.

Beach bar
The complex has a separate outdoor bar where you can enjoy cold drinks and cocktails, as well as a variety of food adapted for the beach and of course iceee creeeaaaam!

The parking lot of the complex with more than 250 seats is at your disposal 24/7. No additional charge and fees!